One day, a British Muslim revert, and a coworker proposed marriage to my good friend at her workplace. The man was educated, well-placed, honest, and devout.
However, her parents refused. They rejected him ONLY because he was a revert Muslim.
They argued he was not a suitable match and insisted she married a born Muslim and someone with the same Indian nationality.
The parent’s refusal to allow their daughter to marry a perfectly good revert Muslim man caused me to question the legitimacy of their decision.
So, I decided to research the issue more deeply, consult Islamic law (Sharia), ask local scholars (Shaikh), and find out if, in Islam, there is anything wrong with born Muslims taking revert Muslim as marriage partners.
Yes, born Muslims should marry Muslim reverts. All Muslims are brothers and acceptable for marriage regardless of race, class, or color. Parents have no cause to refuse any sincere Muslim. However, they should conduct an in-depth background check before proposing or accepting a marriage offer.
Parents feel that marrying a revert Muslim to their son or daughter is unpredictable and risky. Unlike born Muslims, reverts have different nationalities, languages, backgrounds, and cultures and were raised by non-Muslim parents.
Following a marriage proposal, parents do not know them, are afraid their conversion to Islam may not be sincere and long-lasting, and lack trust that their sons and daughters will be in safe hands.
Who Is This Article For?
This article guides born Muslims to deal with marriage proposals concerning Muslim reverts.
It first argues that parents should not force their children to marry born-Muslim spouses if they have already expressed a clear intention to marry a revert Muslim.
Later, it also offers ways to get to know a revert Muslim, advice about when to permit marriage, and the background checks parents should always perform before deciding to tie the knot.
Table of Contents
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The Guinness Book of Records estimated that 12.5 million more people converted to Islam than people who had converted to Christianity between 1990 and 2000.
Born Muslims Love To Marry Reverts Muslims
Born Muslims love to marry reverts because they are better Muslims. Their conversion is personal and life-changing. They are committed and knowledgeable. Reverts appreciate Islam deeply compared to their lives as non-Muslims.
They inspire and motivate born Muslims to be better. For these reasons, revert Muslims are an obvious marriage choice.
2. Do Not Force Your Choice Of Partners On Your Children
Parents of born Muslims are not permitted to force their children to marry people of the same race, nation, tribe, culture, or social background.
Neither should they refuse offers of marriage by Muslim revert men to their daughters nor reject their son’s choice of a wife just because she is a convert to Islam.
It is also completely wrong to force your children to marry a born Muslim of your choice simply because they speak the same language, and are of the same race, culture, and background.
Islamic marriage is by consent of both the potential bride and groom. Otherwise, the relationship is void.
According to Allah (SWT), Who Are The Best Muslims For Marriage?
In the Holy Quran (49:13), Allah (SWT) gives Muslims the most important criteria for marriage.
It is religious piety (Taqwa).
‘O humanity! Indeed, We created you from a male and a female and made you into peoples and tribes so that you may ‘get to’ know one another. Surely the noblest of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous among you. Allah is truly All-Knowing, All-Aware.’
In the eyes of Allah (SWT), the best person for marriage is not necessarily someone of the same nationality and culture. It is the noblest people, the most righteous, obedient, and God-fearing (Taqwa).
Also, Prophet Mohammed (SAW) further warns Muslims against the inevitable spread of trials (Fitna) and corruption in the land by refusing marriage to those with good character and religion.
Abu Hurairah (RA) relates Prophet Mohammed (SAW) saying:
‘If there comes to you one with whose character and religious commitment you are pleased, then marry (your daughter or female relative under your care) to him, for if you do not, there will be Fitnah in the land and widespread corruption.’
Discuss The Choice Of Marriage Partner With Your Son Or Daughter
Be sure to discuss their marriage choices and get consent from your children or those young people you are responsible for marrying.
You CANNOT rightfully pressure them to be with individuals they do not wish to marry nor refuse for illegitimate reasons.
With time, your son or daughter may comply with your wishes out of fear and uncertainty.
However, the marriage will not be happy and may lead to an untold number of trials (Fitna) and marriage problems.
In a hadith, Prophet Mohammed (SAW) delayed responding to Ali’s (RA) marriage proposal to the Prophet’s daughter Fatimah Zahra by simply telling him, ‘If God wills (Inshallah).’
Later, he approached Fatimah to discuss the proposal seeking her opinion and consent. After the discussions, Fatimah agreed, and they (Ali and Fatimah) both married.
In the following Hadiths, Prophet Mohammed advises that Muslims MUST take consent from a virgin (Bikr) or non-virgin before marriage.
Revert Muslims struggle badly to marry for several reasons:
They lose their families
People regard them as spies
Other Muslims are suspicious of them
Born Muslims should:
Embrace them
Marry them
He says that born Muslim parents refuse to marry Muslim reverts to their sons and daughters out of stubbornness and ignorant pride. Only trials (Fitna) and chaos will follow.
Story Of Parents Refusing Marriage Between A Born Muslim Girl And Practicing Revert Brother
‘A revert Muslim American man (33) proposes marriage to a born Filipino Muslim female nurse (28) working in Saudi Arabia and living with her parents.
The young man formally meets the girl, her mother, her uncle, and his wife to discuss the marriage proposal.
Her father is away from home in the Philippines.
The young religious revert explains his situation, his time in Islam of 2.5 years, his history, and his family background to the family and waits for their decision. He always maintains a proper relationship with the girl.
After some time, her father announces he does not want his daughter to marry the revert.
The father cites his young age, lack of experience, his newness to Islam, his Christian family, and his broken home as reasons that for generations, eligible girls in the family only married born Muslims of the same culture.’
The born Muslim Filipino girl says about it:
‘I wanted marriage with him since I have been praying for a righteous man, regardless of race or class, provided his love for Allah is much stronger than this world (Dunya). The problem is that my father got angry when I told him that I wanted to do Nikah with him.’
3. Closely Consider The Marriage Intentions Of The Revert
Parents of children whose prospective marriage partners are reverts should consider their school of Islam, marriage intentions, and reasons for becoming a Muslim.
Sunni Or Shia
Marriage to someone from a different school of Islam(Shiasm) may work but is complex and may offend other family members and Muslims.
For this reason, it is often much easier to marry a Muslim from the same branch of Islam and school (Madhab).
A Non-Muslim Who Wishes To Convert To Islam For Marriage Purposes
Muslim men and women often strike up personal relationships with non-Muslims (Kaafirs) in person or online. Open relations stimulate attraction and can result in romantic love.
To avoid any immoral behavior (Zina), a Muslim boy or girl may insist that the non-Muslim convert to Islam and agree to marriage before becoming romantic.
However, most of the time, they do not.
In this case, a non-Muslim may utter the testimony of Faith (Shahadah), making them a Muslim, and have nothing more to do with Islam, nor have any further interest in understanding and developing their commitment to it.
However, another non-Muslim may get very curious about their new religion, start exploring it, and become a deeply committed Muslim.
1. A Non-Muslim (Kaafir) Reverts To Islam For Marriage Purposes ONLY
In most romantic relationships with a Muslim boy or girl, the non-Muslim (Kaafir) only wishes to become Muslim to make the love relationship with a Muslim man or woman permissible (Halal).
They may also not care about the potential spouse and only want marriage for a visa, passport, or work purposes. Be especially vigilant and TAKE CARE!
In these cases, their intention is merely to pay lip service to the pronouncement of the Islamic testimony of faith (Shahada) that results in conversion with the sole purpose of getting married and enjoying a sexual relationship.
After marriage, the practice of Islam has no place, and the couple continues life in a state of disbelief and ignorance as if they were non-Muslims (Kufr).
However, in some cases, the non-Muslim partner will be interested in meeting other Muslims and learning more about Islam.
This new interest in Islam develops into increased faith, and the individual becomes a better, more committed person than the born Muslim they originally married.
The Story Of Sister Huda Whose Husband Failed To Revert to Islam After Marriage
‘Sister Huda and her husband are not born Muslims. Years before, they married as non-Muslims and had a child together.
Sometime later, Sister Huda discovered Islam, studied the religion, and eventually converted.
She has been trying to persuade her husband to revert to Islam since then. However, he does not want to be a Muslim and is unwilling to even try.
Sister Huda is upset because she knows that a marriage between a Muslim woman and a non-Muslim man is null and void.
She does not wish to divorce her non-Muslim husband because she does not have a supportive family and no financial means.
Not knowing what to do, she seeks out a religious edict (Fatwa) for advice.’
She says:
‘He promised to convert for me so that we would not have to get a divorce, but I think that is not a wise move.’
2. A Non-Muslim (Kaafir) Reverts And Is Fairly New To Islam
In this case, the non-Muslim (Kafir) is new to Islam and wishes to marry a born Muslim. The likelihood that marriage to a born Muslim will degenerate into disbelief (Kufr) is very low.
They intend to have a marriage partner to ‘help them’ learn more about Islam and to deepen their love and commitment to their newfound religion.
This kind of marriage will likely endure because the intention to marry is not about lust but about pleasing Allah (SWT) and increasing faith (Iman).
However, a revert may give up on being a Muslim, and return to practicing their former religions, especially if there are many marital problems.
For a new Muslim, not yet well established in Islam, it may be more prudent to wait until they mature or wait before offering or accepting a marriage proposal.
The Story of A Born Muslim Wishing to Marry A New Muslim Woman And Notes Her Poor Understanding of Islam
A practicing born Muslim man meets and falls in love with a new female convert.
However, after getting to know her, he discovers she has a completely different perspective and little understanding of Islam.
Her family had abandoned her long ago, and she is physically disabled. She requires medical attention, and he is eager to assist her.
He confronts her regarding her misconceptions and attempts to guide her with references. However she will not accept his guidance and dismisses him as overly conservative and refuses to listen.
He believes his fiancée is trying to modernize Islam, but knows very little about the subject. However, he still wishes to marry her in the hope that she will change after marriage.
He says:
‘I tried to explain to her, giving references from Hadith, but nothing worked. She says she does not have to believe someone just because he is a scholar.’
3. A Non-Muslim (Kaafir) Converts To Islam And Becomes Well Established In The Religion
A revert who has been Muslim for several years is unlikely to quit practicing Islam and return to their former ways.
Marriage to this type of revert will likely endure because their intention to marry is not superficial but based on pleasing Allah (SWT) and completing their religion (Deen).
They will be firm in the faith (Iman), seek ways to learn the religion and work to become the best Muslim they can be.
They will respect born Muslim culture and learn Arabic or the language spoken by their family.
They consistently raise their children according to Islamic principles and strive to teach them to learn the Quran and the ways of the beloved Prophet Mohammed (SAW).
They will ensure children respect their parents and elders and teach them to be valuable to the Muslim community.
Well-established reverts will NEVER return to a state of disbelief (Kufr) since they have tasted the sweetness of faith and the deep joy of a life lived in the Islamic way.
4. Consider The Location Of A Revert After Marriage
Author Mohammed Francis and His Son, Sohaib
A Revert Living or Coming To Live In Your Native Country
If your son or daughter decides to marry a revert in another country, one of them has to move. Either one has to migrate to a new country with new people, language, culture, customs, dress, and living conditions.
1. A Revert Woman In Your Native Country
A female coming to your native country will likely live in the family home or separate accommodation. They should be patient and flexible enough to deal with family dynamics and personalities.
There also may be a difference in the food, language, cultural norms, expectations, social habits, and privacy.
For example, a new bride may have to share accommodation with a mother-in-law and be in daily contact with her. She will have a lot of company in the family home but not have much personal freedom or the opportunity to set up her own home.
She will need to be patient when problems arise.
If possible, you should provide separate accommodation: a section or an apartment in the home or close to it, where the young couple may begin their new life.
The separate living area will allow frequent visits to the relatives and permit her to have her own residence and personal space.
2. A Revert Man In Your Native Country
Men usually relocate for work, so unless there is a lot of employment, revert men will usually not come to live in the country of the prospective wife.
They will expect the potential bride to emigrate and live with him in his country.
However, if he does relocate abroad, the move may be temporary until he finds suitable employment and can get established.
Failing this, he should return to his home country or where he can be best employed.
A Muslim revert man should also be patient and flexible.
To thrive, he might also learn the local language, get along with others and learn to adapt to social and cultural norms.
Story Of A White Racism Breaking Up A Revert Marriage To An Ethnic Muslim Man
‘A white Christian woman and an ethnic Muslim man develop a relationship, fall in love, and wish to marry.
Her family agrees that she can marry a Muslim man because she is a woman of the people of the book.
However, the folks in his ethnic Muslim community expect him to marry someone who speaks the same language and shares the same religion and customs.
The white Christian woman decides to learn about Islam, goes to the mosque, studies the religion, and eventually converts to Islam to get married.
However, her family still does not accept her, and the couple unhappily go their separate ways.
The woman is not resentful but does feel the decision is racist and discriminatory. ‘
She says:
‘The community expected someone from the same culture as him who spoke the same language, understood the religion, and could cook his food.‘
3. A Born Muslim Emigrating To Live Long-term In The Country Of A Revert Muslim
Emigration to a new country, with new people, language, culture, customs, dress, and living conditions, can be a real challenge.
Adapting is difficult and painful for anyone, especially during the first few years.
A born Muslim living in a new (non-Muslim) country with a revert Muslim and her family will have to make personal compromises.
In the West, couples do not have to live with their in-laws. Doing so is odd.
A newcomer to a country should learn a new language, culture, and social and cultural norms and tolerate life in a non-Muslim environment. For example, they will likely confront racist, Islamophobic prejudice.
It may also be problematic to deal with non-Muslims at work.
In addition, the family are likely not Muslims and will have different dress codes, outlooks, and attitudes concerning relationships and sexuality.
In some European countries (France especially), wearing an Islamic headdress (Hijab) and face veil (Niqaab) is a criminal offense.
They will also meet obstacles when seeking employment, schools, or community groups.
If possible, ensure you live in or close to a supportive Muslim community. If there are no Islamic schools, get children access to Islamic education and social groups at the local mosque or community centers.
Ensure you have a good internet connection at home to keep the lines of communication open with the born Muslim family in other countries and to develop deeper relationships with spouses and children.
4. A Born Muslim And Revert Spouse Living Abroad Out Their Own Countries
Sometimes, a married couple decides to live in a country where neither is a national.
For example, I live and work in Saudi Arabia, but neither I nor my wife are Saudi nationals.
The chances of us obtaining Saudi nationality are slim, though today is entirely possible.
In any case, newcomers must get visas, find suitable employment and accommodation, learn a new language, make new friends, and set up in the country.
There may also be differences in culture in the home between the born and revert Muslim partners.
If the couple settles in a Non-Muslim country, they will experience racial and Islamophobic prejudice.
And, unless they visit their home countries, their children will only get to experience life in a non-Muslim country and struggle to develop proper Islamic values and ways.
Being close to a mosque and a supportive Islamic community is essential. Integration in a non-Muslim society that is not your own usually takes longer.
The Story Of A White Revert Sister And Challenges After Marrying A Born Muslim Malay
‘I am a white revert who met my Asian husband (from Malaysia) in college in the UAE while visiting for a seminar.
At first, I never considered our backgrounds and cultural differences. However, shortly after my marriage, I relocated permanently to the UAE, which was initially overwhelming.
I was unfamiliar with Arab culture and environment and could not speak Arabic. My husband speaks Arabic and English fluently, so language was never an issue.
However, adjusting to the work environment, principles, and custom dress codes took time. Wearing an head scarf (Abaya) is not compulsory. but is Islamically appropriate.
Adjusting to the hot climate, cuisine, and people was difficult.
My husband had lived in the UAE with his family for a long time. He helped me learn the languages (Malay and Arabic), adjust, and fit into my new environment.
Not only did I have to adapt to a new country, but I also had to get used to his Malaysian family. Their customs, ways, means, habits, and norms differ from Western ones.
We initially spent ten months apart after our marriage because I had to work on my immigration and visa.
It was difficult, but now I have trouble missing my immediate family. Being so far from home makes it difficult to visit them frequently.
It was a steep learning curve, but Alhamdulillah, with the help of my encouraging husband, his generous family, and the kind people, I accepted and fit in.
Although I still have struggles, I am still making progress.’
5. Be Sure To Do A Complete Background On The Muslim Revert
Parents should conduct a thorough background search before deciding to reject or go ahead with marriage to a revert Muslim.
They should study character, age, family, employment, commitment to Islam, and medical, sexual, and criminal history.
The Character Of A Revert
A job, position, and money help considerably. It meets your needs and provides comfort. However, many wealthy families live impoverished, miserable, unhappy lives.
Their wealth has not made them happy at all. In fact, without deep faith (Iman), money and a social position will likely cause them ongoing pain and frustration.
In the eyes of Allah (SWT), the best person for marriage is not necessarily someone of the same nationality and culture with a connected family and money.
It is the noblest people, the most righteous, obedient, and God-fearing (Taqwa). The Holy Quran (49:13)
If the revert has these qualities AND is pleasing, refusing them in marriage for someone less religious but with more money and status will lead to inevitable trials (Fitna), misery, and corruption.
When young people marry sincerely for the sake of Allah (SWT), He blesses the marriage and produces good for them.
I know this to be for many Muslim families, and it certainly has been the case in my marriage and life.
The Age Of A Revert
People say age is just a number, and it is true. Generally, though, women prefer older men, and men always like younger women.
The preferences relate to safety and security for women and fertility for men. However, an acceptable age difference is whatever you wish it to be.
However, older men tend to be more settled, calmer, and less impulsive. Younger women are sexually more attractive and desirable to men.
Regarding marriages between born and revert Muslims, I suggest an age difference of up to fifteen years or to someone of the same generation.
An age gap of fifteen years is not socially acceptable in many societies, but it happens.
However, age is not a game changer, but the couple should at least be physically, emotionally, and intellectually compatible.
The Story Of A Sri Lankan Woman Marrying A Man 30 Years Her Senior
‘My name is Sameera. I live in Piliyandala, a suburb 18 km south of Colombo in Sri Lanka. I am married and have seven children; three from my first marriage and four from the second.
Today, I am 40 years old, and my husband is 72. There is a 32-year age gap, but I have never felt happier.
You see, my first husband was angry and abusive. He often beat and bruised me. I hated him. He was a bank manager and always drunk. It got so bad that I had to divorce him. He left me with three children and no financial support.
Fifteen years ago, Mohammed, aged 57, saw me and offered marriage.
He already had one wife and three children. Everyone said Mohammed was a good man. He works as an office manager.
My family and friends told me to refuse his offer because we were 32 years apart. They made such a fuss and tried hard to stop me. I thought long and hard about Mohammed and decided to marry him anyway.
My mother was upset, and my father tried several times to convince me not to marry him. After all, I was only 25, and he was old at 57.
They argued I could find someone younger and more suitable.
However, I sat down and chatted with Mohammed and found him to be an honest Muslim man. He has a good family, a stable job, and is religious.
Despite the age difference, I married him anyway.
Fifteen years later, we are still happily married and have four children together. Mashallah, I do not regret my decision at all.’
The Love Story Of Prophet Mohammed (SAW) And Khadijah (RA) And Their 15 Year Age Difference
‘One of the best love stories in Islam is that of the Prophet (SAW) and his beloved first wife, Khadija (RA). Shewas fifteen years older than Mohammed.
They had six children and lived a happy life.
Khadijah was his wife, intimate friend, and wise counselor. After she died, the Prophet was grief-stricken. He called that time the year of sorrow.
Their age difference proves that connection and chemistry matter most of all.’
Find out if your prospective revert Muslim partner is who they say they are.
Check their ID cards and passports.
In addition, learn about a revert Muslim’s immediate family, parents, brothers and sisters, work, religious background, personalities, and reputation in the community.
Ascertain how they feel about Islam and having a revert Muslim in the family. Be sure they will be there to support you during the hard times and conflicts.
Find out if your prospective husband or wife is willing to go it alone when there is no support from the family.
Should the prospective revert have children, learn about any commitments to former spouses and relationships with their children that might negatively impact your marriage in the future.
A Revert Muslim’s Work Situation
If the revert works long hours, travels frequently, and spends all hours on the job, your relationship is bound to suffer.
They may also be feeling stressed and undervalued.
Find out how they regard their work, the hours, duties, and prospects, and how much time and attention they will be able to give to the marriage each day.
Also, calculate that their salary is enough to support opening a new home, food, household bills, mortgage, all the expenses, babies, and children and can meet the family’s needs and wants.
A Revert Muslim’s Commitment To Islam
We discussed the topic in-depth earlier in the article. However, ensure also that the revert Muslim understands the fundamentals of the Islamic religion, proper family values, manners, and behaviors.
If the couple has different backgrounds and cultures, be sure they have the openness, flexibility, and understanding to accept and deal with your family, cultural differences, and peculiarities.
A Revert Muslim’s Medical, Sexual, And Criminal History
Medical History
Get a copy of their medical records to investigate any health issues that may prove problematic in your marriage.
The Muslim revert may have previously used drugs that produced blood disorders or contagious diseases.
They may also have had sexual relations with multiple partners, so it is vital to determine if they are free of sexually transmitted diseases.
Your future partner may inadvertently pass these diseases on to you and your children.
Sexual History
If possible, learn about their previous sex lives and preferences, about heterosexual or homosexual relations.
Depending on the individual, there is a possibility that they may want to marry only to have children or to hide their homosexuality from society and family.
Check out their marital status, whether they have a non-Muslim partner with whom they are still dating, married to, or have previously divorced.
To marry a recently divorced female revert, you should ensure that she has completed the waiting (Iddah) of four lunar months and ten days.
This waiting period is in case of pregnancies before your marriage to her.
Find out if the revert spouse has previous love relationships that are still ongoing.
Ask if there are any personal or financial commitments to an ex-wife, husband, or partner related to property or children.
Fathers and mothers have visiting rights that necessitate that they continue to be regularly in the lives of children .
Visitation rights might cause interference in your marriage role and parenting of children.
Ensure you know about any unfinished business of the heart, including feelings of love and any other former romantic commitments.
If a revert marries a born Muslim, they are unlikely to be involved in any love relationship but may have previous engagements or ongoing ties.
A Revert Muslim’s Criminal History
Request a Police Clearance Certificate to know if your revert spouse has a previous criminal record.
Past criminal records may limit employment opportunities, make it difficult to rent an apartment, restrict enrollment of children in schools, and obstruct travel to other countries for immigration, visits, and tourism.
Request an official Certificate or Letter of No Objection letter to ensure they are not still legally married and to avoid future legal complications.
A born Muslim and a revert Muslim (bride and groom) sincerely wish to marry. However, the parents and the community oppose the match because
one is revert Muslim
their family is NOT Muslim
Abu Bakr (RA) was a revert Muslim.
Omar Ibn Al Khattaab (RA) was a revert Muslim.
Ali Ibn Abi Taleb (RA) was a revert Muslim.
The Prophet’s (SAW) companions were ALL revert Muslims.
The tribes of Mecca and Al Madinah intermarried.
If it is wrong to marry a revert Muslim, then the Muslim nation (Ummah) would never have flourished. If a born Muslim wishes to marry a Muslim revert, do not oppose based on the fact their family members are non Muslims. Marriage is to the individual ONLY.
It is racist when parents refuse marriage to Muslim converts for their sons or daughters ONLY because they are new to Islam and not of the same race, culture, and background.
However, it is understandable.
It is much easier and more predictable for a born Muslim to marry another born Muslim from the same family or within the local community.
They are safe and well-known in the community.
Born Muslims love to create alliances with the people and families with whom they have a history. It is safer, and with much in common, such unions are more likely to endure.
However, they should NOT use these reasons for refusing marriage to suitable religious revert Muslims when their son or daughter has expressed a clear preference.
Parents and family argue that reverts should only marry a revert with the same language and culture.
This view is un-Islamic and racist as well.
Variety is the spice of life. A born Muslim and a revert often bring something unique to the relationship. The mix is interesting, and it produces beautiful-looking children.
Today, with technology and the internet, it is easier than ever for young people of different nationalities and cultures to meet.
Young people like the idea and thousands of mixed marriages have resulted.
If they are good practicing Muslims, we encourage all parents to consider a revert Muslim an excellent marriage choice.
Related Questions
How Do I Find A Muslim Revert For Marriage? The best way to find a revert wife or husband is to ask other Muslim reverts for recommendations. They know many other Muslim reverts. In addition, ask a male or female brother to enquire at a mosque, Islamic lectures, and Muslim social circles. Several Muslim revert Facebook groups, Telegram groups, Forums like Quora, and marriage websites help reverts get married.
What Are The Benefits Of Marrying A Revert Muslim? Muslim reverts are usually sincere in their Islamic practice. They seek knowledge and try to follow the Quran and Sunnah. They are willing to learn, adapt and develop. New Muslims experience love, freedom, and happiness compared to their lives before Islam (Jahiliyah). Muslim converts inspire and motivate born Muslims to be better.
Should A Muslim Revert Marry Or Stay Married To A Non-Muslim? A revert Muslim should marry an established Muslim and NOT a non-Muslim. Doing so will inspire and strengthen their faith and make their religious life much easier. Islam permits Muslim men, reverts or otherwise, to marry Jews or Christians called People of the Book. However, they should ONLY be those who believe in the Oneness of God Allah (SWT) or (Tawheed) in Islam. Islam prohibits women from marriage to non-Muslims. Husbands MUST BE Muslims. A reverted woman should persuade her non-Muslim husband to convert to Islam or divorce him.
Maryam Hussain is an accomplished web based writer, cook, and storyteller. She lives in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, with her husband and two young daughters.
When not busy parenting, Maryam enjoys writing award-winning articles and short stories for her Facebook pageMaryam’s Diary.
Sometimes, when she feels like doing neither, Maryam indulges in reading novels and experimenting with new recipes.
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Salam Allekum! Hi there! Thanks for reading. Contact the Editor Mohammed Francis directly at with any questions or queries.
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