#Discovery Of Gnawed Bones in A Lava Tubes Thousands Of years Old Fascinates Zoologists
29th July 2021
At Um Jirsan, ancient hyenas grabbed and chewed up the bones of horses, donkeys, and human beings pilfered from grave sites. Because they were underground, they did not rot.
Hyenas still exist today in KSA.
Gizmodo explains what the harsh Saudi weather does to archeological artifacts.
#Brazil Smashes Saudi In Olympic Football On Wed 28th July 2021
29th July 2021
Saudi Arabia is OUT!
Miami Herald describes the match.
#KSA Bans Its Nationals From Going To COVID-19 Variant Affected, Red List Countries
29th July 2021
The list includes:
- Afghanistan
- Argentina
- Brazil
- Egypt
- Ethiopia
- India
- Indonesia
- Lebanon
- Pakistan
- Turkey
- South Africa
- Vietnam
The ban is at least for 3 years. Other nationals must do quarantine and a batch of CPR tests in a non-Red country before returning to KSA.
The Times of India columnist laments the decision.
#US Is The World’s Top Producer Of Crude Oil In 2020- KSA Holds The Largest Oil Reserves
29th July 2021
Russia and KSA strategically decreased production during the COVID-19 pandemic, but substantially increased consumption.
Forbes ranks countries on production and consumption.
# Gifted Female Tahani Alqahtani Faces Off With Israeli Fighter At Tokyo 2020 Olympics
30th July 2021
They drew!
International Judo Federation (IJF) describes the fight
#KSA Signs Deals With International Cruise Companies To Help Ship In More Than 1.5 Million Visitors
29th July 2021
Cruise Saudi signs-off with MSC, and the good ship MSC Bellissima is expected as a regular visitor to Saudi ports.
Cruise Industry News outlines the deal.
#Ancient Graffiti At Hima (Al Ula) Is Now KSA’s 6th UNESCO Heritage Site
26th July 2021
Travelers and traders of old carved images in the rocks along the ancient caravan routes in the Hima region that include plants, flowers, an aspect of the ancient lifestyle for over 7,000 years.
The writing scripts include Musnad, Aramaic-Nabtatean, South Arabian, Thamudi, Greek and Arabic.
The Art Newspaper explains why KSA is today of interest to UNESCO ($).
#Tickets For Sale At The 40% Capacity At The Jeddah Grand Prix Event-3rd-5th December 2021
26th July 2021
Zoom, zoom!
Xinhuanet announces the fact.
#UAE And Saudi Bank Chiefs Get Heads Together In KSA To Beef Up Anti Money Laundering Measures
25th July 2021
They will share relevant information to stop terrorists from financing themselves.
The National reveals the news.
#Houthis Keep Sending Armed Drones And KSA Knocks Them Out
25th July 2021
Yemen’s occupying Shia Houthis continue to attack the Jazan area but are NOT succeeding.
Gulf News details the latest four drone attacks on KSA.
#KSA Lose 3-2 To Germany In Olympic Football, Sunday 25th July 2021
25th July 2021
Felix Uduokhai got the winner.
The Washington Post describes the match.
#Umrah Starts Up Again On Monday 26th July 2021 After A Successful Hajj
24th July 2021
20,000 pilgrims per day will be allowed into Masjid Al Haram to perform Umrah. they should be immune and maintain proper social distancing. Pilgrims register Umrah using the Eatmarna App.
World Gulf details the progress in Mecca.
#2.5 Thousand-Year-Old Cuneiform Inscription Uncovered In North Saudi Arabia
22nd July 2021
It depicts the dead old King Nabonidus and has some form of religious meaning!
Live Science briefly outlines the news.
#KSA Extends Residency And Visit Visas Of Travelers In COVID-19 Affected Countries
21st July 2021
The extension is until 31st August 2021.
Gulf News explains the move.
#Olympics- Saudi Arabia Plays Ivory Coast At 4:30pm On Thursday 22nd July 2021
21st July 2021
This is how you watch the game and many others
Draft Kings scheduling. (Update: KSA loses 2-1 to the Ivory Coast-Seattle Times
. Abdullah Al Amri scores an own goal. Chuckle!)
#Saudi Women Now Stand Guard At The Entrance To The Haram Mosque In Mecca.
21st July 2021
The women started during Hajj 2021.
Watch the Reuters video and read about it.
#Extortionist Hackers Want $50 Million To Delete Stolen Saudi Aramco Computer Data
21st July 2021
They pinched 1 terabyte’s worth of data, but it won’t lead to security breaches, says a spokesperson.
Bloomberg details where the data is being held on the darknet.
#Saudis CAN’T Fly To Indonesia For The Foreseeable Future
21st July 2021
KSA is scared they might contract the Coronavirus there.
Reuters discusses the travel ban.
#Hajj Has Finished-KSA Wants To Focus On International Tourism For The Remainder Of 2021
21st July 2021
Al Jazeera outlines the plans.
#KSA’s PIF Fund Mclaren Racing Groups £550m To Help Keep Them Afloat
July 16th, 2021
KSA does it for shares and future returns.
Autosport detail the news
#Women No Longer Need a Mahram To Do Hajj
July 16th, 2021
Women are relieved now that they can do Hajj alone.
WSJ describes one sister’s journey to Mecca for Hajj
#KSA Malls and Shops Can Stay Open During Prayer Time-Officially
16th July 2021
It’s official, but unofficially supermarkets and shops have remained open during prayer since 2019.
#Fitch (Credit Rating Org) Continues To Evaluate KSA Grade A
July 15th, 2021
KSA’s budget deficit is to lower to 3.3% instead of the forecasted 4.9%.
Bloomberg details the news
#KSA Inflation Rises From 5.7% To 6.2%.
July 15th, 2021
The Economic Times explains why.
#KSA Selects 60,000 Muslims Form 150 Countries To Come For Hajj
July 11th, 2021
Only, first-timers and healthy, inoculated pilgrims chosen
Gulf News tells it.
#Freeze On KSA’s Domestic Petrol Prices-June Prices Maintained (2.18 SR)
July 10th, 2021
Bloomberg shares it.
#KSA Approves The Moderna COVOD-19 Vaccination
July 10th, 2021
The kingdom will buy and administer the jab to nationals and residents.
Algemeiner quotes Reuters
#Luxury Cruise Ships And Tourism En Masse Head For KSA Starting 17th July And Ending 9th Dec, 2021
July 9th, 2021
Scenic group boats are coming to the ports of Jeddah and Yanbu and will offer Red Sea adventures.
Travel Week breaks the news.
#Houthis Attack Base In KSA’s Abyan- Kill Two Soldiers & Injure 20
July 4th, 2021
Reuters discuss power-sharing between STC & President Rabbi Mansour Hadi‘s government
#UAE Now A No-Go- Travelers Banned From Going There Directly Or Indirectly
July 3rd, 2021
Tonight, Sunday at 11 pm, all flights to the UAE will cease over fears of the Delta COVID-19 variant.
#Travelers Coming From Ethiopia, UAE, Vietnam, and Afghanistan To KSA Banned
July 2nd, 2021
Except for Saudi Citizens!
WHBL reports it.
#Exit-Rentry Visas Of Resident Expats Extended Till July 7th
July 2nd 2021
Only till July 7th, why?
Arab News also suggests some fool in a Riyadh clinic tampered with CPR results.
#Eid Al Adha Likely To be 19th -23rd July
2nd July 2021
Metro News announces it and shows nice video of Slat Al Eid in Ikea car park
insidesaudi.com also explains the main differences between the two Eids. -Good stuff!
#Eid Al Adha Will Be On 19th Or 20th July And Finish On The 23rd or 24th
July 1st, 2021
On the day after Hajj ends, Muslims slaughter a sheep, goat, or cow to remember how Alah (SWT) tested Ibraheem by asking him to sacrifice his own son.
KSA To Build A New Airline, & Airport
July 1st, 2021
Having two major airlines will help develop the kingdom as a global logistics hub including ports, rail, and road networks. The investment should increase the transport and logistics sector’s contribution to gross domestic product to 10% from 6%.
Reuters breaks the news
The kingdom also aims to be a regional competitor to Emirates, Itihad
and Qatar Airways
#CITI Bank’s Profits TRIPLED Since They Started Business in KSA in 2017.
July 1st 2021
‘Saudi Arabia is one of the largest opportunities for Citigroup to acquire new clients.’ Slurp, slurp!
See Reuters
#Kuwait’s Hot 54 degrees C -See Other Tad Cooler But Equally Hot Countries
1st July 2021
Phew! Innit?
Al Jazeera with nice infographics
#No Flights To And From India Till At Least 31st July, 2021-And Others!
July 1st 2021
COVID-19 ravaged India is still no go.
Airport Technology report says halt for all except Bubble Packed countries.